The Lacto-Fermented Fig Story

The first-born child of the unicorn fig leaf dynasty and heir to our herbal booch throne. This is our lacto-fermented fig kombucha, aka ‘Magical Salty Unicorn Rainbow Juice’.

It is now an annual tradition that we spend a glorious sunny day with our friends Charlotte and Donald Molesworth over in their garden in Benenden, helping prune their majestic fig tree.

Done at the end of the season when the tree has finished it’s productivity for the year and the leaves are about to fall, we rescue these leaves and the remaining underripe green figs to be repurposed in our brewing!

The leaves get turned into our classic seasonal and wonderfully herbal fig leaf kombucha, whilst the underripe figs have this year been used to make something extra-special for the first time…lacto-fermented fig kombucha!

If you fancy seeing a little clip of the day then click here!

What is Lacto-Fermentation?

Lacto-fermentation is the process by which sugar is broken down by bacteria and turned into lactic acid. It is pretty much the same process that is used when making kimchi and sauerkraut, and pickling various vegetables.

By applying the same process using fine Celtic sea salt, we have created a wonderfully funky and pink brine that we combine with the fig leaf kombucha, deepening the already glorious fig-meets-pina colada flavours. The stuff of dreams that is!

It’s proving to be an immensely popular flavour so far, and is included in all our mixed seasonal 750ml and 250ml cases, which you can get your hands on here!

We only have a limited supply of this before it leaves our shelves, so be sure to give it a go and let us know what you think of it too!

Happy sipping! x


What is Kombucha?